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  • Minecraft
    • Who gives a fuck
  • File shares
    • DEAD AIR since Jukebox has nothing to play (and neither does BAPS)
    • Replicated hourly to urybackup0
    • Samba and NFS will probably already be installed from when it was replaced by Steve (lol), although chances are they may be quite outdated
    • Go into Wogan and change the DNS records for musicstore and filestore to point to backup0 - this should cover BAPS, if it doesn’t, ipconfig /flushdns and a server restart
    • Some servers (namely Thunderhorn and Dolby) don’t use AD for DNS and so have it mounted by IP address in fstab, change that
  • Campus Playout Liquidsoap
    • The script is in GitHub, copy it to another box with Liquidsoap - Dolby will do in a pinch
    • Also copy and edit the sample configs for each of the instances
    • Note that the music store is expected to be mounted on /music - if you’re moving it to Dolby this should be all set up, for another box you may need to mount backup0
  • Postgres
    • Fix: hot standby on urybackup0, pg_ctl promote -D /pool0/backup/backup0-postgres should make it the primary
    • Note: THIS WILL MAKE IT THE PRIMARY, MAKE SURE NO WRITES GO TO STEVE OR YOU WILL HAVE SPLIT-BRAIN!!! When you fix/replace steve as the primary, do a full replication to it from bup0 before promoting it
    • Things that need updating for the new SQL server:
      • DNS (on uryfw0 and Wogan) - Should take care of Thunderhorn, Jukebox and BAPS.
      • SelectorListener - Should be done by DNS but it didn’t last time
      • Thunderhorn
        • MyRadio - /usr/local/www/myradio/src/MyRadio_Config.local.php
        • Campus Playout - /usr/local/www/campus-playout-server(-dev)/config.toml
      • Jukebox (formerly Dolby rip)
      • All the BAPSes