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Software Station-Side

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Audio Router

Once it comes out of the studio selector, which we won’t be talking about here, it can get routed to FM or DAB as a program feed. They also accept a clean jukebox feed, or a clean autonews feed (which we use out of term time). DAB also accepts a fourth “alternate” input, that we could use one day, but nothing’s really set up to actually put that source out.

The audio feeds are piped into the streamer scripts in /usr/local/etc/liquidsoap/scripts. These are remotely controlled by the fm_sel Python script, running as the fm_sel service, and it lives in /opt/fm_sel. This exposes a HTTP port for control, and talks to the FFMPEG streamer scripts through ZMQ.

See more details at

[TODO finish]

Streaming FM

FM is streamed from /usr/local/etc/liquidsoap/scripts/ on dolby (this is run as systemctl fm_streamer). After routing the correct source, it is sent over an RTP feed (as raw audio data) to the PC in the library.

Note: this uses a custom compiled version of FFMPEG, with extra features the default insteall doesn’t have. Updating servers will happily break this, so if you need to recompile it, please see

Streaming DAB

Radiotext FM

DLS/Slideshow for DAB