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URY Acceptable Use Policy

This web page describes the acceptable use of all computer systems owned by University Radio York, located in the studios or otherwise. All members must adhere to these regulations at all times while using these computers.

General Use

  • Users will not download offensive or indecent content

  • Users will not alter settings or configuration without seeking permission from a computing team officer

  • Users will not copy any software (binaries or installation media) for use outside of URY or use in contravention of the licence

  • Users will not place any software on a computer which is known to produce disruptive and or destructive behaviour

  • Users will not place copies of music on any URY storage area with intent for this to be illegally copied or used

Use of Digital Music

  • Users may only place copies of music on any URY storage media if they hold an original licenced copy.

  • Users may only use digital music which they have placed on the system, or digital music which has been placed on the system by a computing team officer or a music team officer

  • All copyrighted music which is played (broadcast) from digital media must have been released in the United Kingdom

Use of Documents and Production Audio

  • Users will save documents of importance on drive Z in an appropriate folder

  • Users will place all other documents on F or G drive

  • Users will place Audio files (Wave, mp3, quicktime, realmedia) on either Drive F (studio 2) or Drive G (Office)

  • Users will remove files which they no longer need

  • Users will place temporary documents in folders named 'temp' (on F or G drive), these documents will be removed at regular intervals by the computing team

  • Documents will be removed without consultation if they have offensive or obscene content, are unlicenced or use excessive space to other users detriment


  • Users will treat all hardware with care and respect

  • Faults with equipment will be reported to

  • Users must not attempt to fix hardware related problems if this involves exposing internal components of a computer or device